Stories of Hope
What students, teachers, parents and recipients had to say…
Teachers comments
JES Curriculum overview from teachers:
Teacher Anna
The Jubilee Excellence Curriculum is the best. It’s purpose is to educate children in a way that they learn through play from the day that the children enter the school at age 3 until they leave the grd R-class
We notice that there is a big difference in their mental growth, and physical. What is also good about the Curriculum is that each child grows, at it’s own pace with assistance.
The Curriculum is not only based on teaching and learning for now, but to build a good foundation for the future.
Teacher B:
Benefits of our Curriculum: Teach the child independence on a very young age. An activity is first presented to a child, where after he/she is allowed to take it from the shelve and work with it.
It gives them the skills to fit in society later in life. Our grace and courtesy covers it. From how to greet, ask for help, answer a phone, carrying scissors etc.
It builds their self-esteem. They have the freedom to choose what activity to work with. Mastering one really builds them. There is room for repetition and once they master it they gain a lot of confidence.
Teacher C:
This curriculum means a lot because the children learn fast. They also learn to speak properly. The children are always happy when they work with the equipment in class. They also like it when the teacher presents it to them. It’s a blessing to have this curriculum because most of the kids in the community do not have the knowledge our children have.
" Back 2 School" project testimony
With funds running a bit low and only three small donors left, it seemed impossible to start the following year and supply more than 65 children with the necessities for the new school year. But God is the God of the impossible!
From November onwards, I was praying for a God to supply to all the children’s needs, but at the start of January the account showed little change. Imagine my surprise when we had to start buying school clothes and stationery in mid-January, and found that we had more than enough (all we needed) in the account!
God never ceases to amaze me when His heart is in a project!
Delene Kleyn – In-House project
Mother of B... and M...
Mickie is a grade 10 learner and she is very intelligent. Last year she went to the university of Stellenbosch to represent the school in Sciences. This year she went to Bellville High School for a school quiz and came in the top 10. They are still going to other, her school is the one which represents Kraaifontein schools. Today she was selected among the top students in Physical Science to go to Themba Laboratory in Eastriver. She is also good in Maths and English.
Blessing is a grade 4 learner and also a genius. Last year he was selected to represent his school in Mathematics, he is the best in this subject and English too. On Wednesdays and Mondays he does extra Mathematics with computer. He is eager to further his studies until university. They call him a Mathematician . He is good in computers and says he helps other kids to use computers since they do not know how to use it.
Thank you so much for your support, may God bless you.
Dear ma’am or Sir
They say it takes a village to raise a child and you have shown me. the meaning of that statement. So I would like to thank you.
Thank you very much for your support. Thank you for everything you have done and still doing for me. This Back to school programme has helped me. very much.
Thank you once again.
Yours faithfully -Mich
To: Back to School team
I write this letter to thank you for what you doing for my daughter M, I really appreciate the help you giving me as her mother. Back to school played a very important role to my daughter’s need’s for school. Thank you very much. I prayed God to help you as a team.
Mother – Sarah
Dear school project
I would like to say thanks for everything that you have done for me it real meant something for to me. I wish that there was a zip in my chest. I would have been already opened so that you can see how thank full am I.
From Ann
Liewe Shiloh
Baie dankie vir alles wat julle vir my doen. Ek hou baie van die klere wat ons koop. Dankie vir alles wat julle vir my doen. Ek is 11 jaar oud. My naam is J…. S. Ek var deur wat julle vir my doen. Ek is baie lief vir almal
Liefde Van Jos
JES Pre-Schools - general comments by parents:
- We clean our house every evening before going to bed since our child is used to the neat and clean environment at Klippie Kids.
- We pray before every meal as this is how it is done at school.
- Our child noticed that our garden is not as neat and beautiful as the garden at school so we started to put effort into creating a neat and beautiful garden at our house.
- One of the moms mentioned at the parent teacher meeting that because her child was taught to peel vegetables, she is able to attend the meeting because her children are preparing the vegetables so that she can just go home and cook dinner.
- A mom mentioned that her child is happy, healthy, dry and fed when she gets home. Her daughter keeps singing gospel songs so her mom made a recording which she now uses as her ringtone.
- One child does not want to go to bed in the evening before they clean the kitchen.
- A mom thanked the school on Facebook for the positive change she noticed in her child after having attended Klippie Kids for only three weeks.
- One of the moms hikes to school with her child because the bus service was cancelled. She refuses to let this hurdle keep her children from receiving the valuable education they deserve.
- One child asked: “Mom why do you not wash your hands after going to the bathroom?”
- One of the children confronted her mother when she started shouting at the child. The child stated that her mother does not need to shout at her but should rather just explain calmly what she wanted.
- One of the mothers bought her child water boots and was so pleased when the child came and thanked her for the beautiful boots.
One of the students said...
I was very young when I started being on the back to school project, I was in grade 6 when I joined now I am in grade 12 it has been there for me 9 years of my life. They helped me in everything they could.
I am thankful for the wonderful work that they are doing and I pray to God to continue blessing them abundantly. I am hoping and believe that one day I will be one of the donors and help kids that cannot afford to pay fees at school. The back to school project has made a huge change in my life. Before I use to have only one school shirt and my school shoes were broken and had to put a plastic bag inside so I don’t wet my socks.
Back to School project has really been helpful to me in a special way. Thank you once again for touching many souls and changing our lives for the better. God bless.
Yours faithfully luvo
Thank you for school uniform for my child…we ere really struggling to make ends meet and just prayed.- Blessing
Dear Donors – From Lelor
I would like to take this moment to show my appreciation for everything you’ve done in my life. As I’m writing this Letter I’ve got a thankful heart. I just wanna say keep doing keep doing this thing you doing God will send a rain full of blessings for you and your loved ones. Today I can gô to school with shoes on my feet and clothes on my body all thanks to you. You provide for many lives out there and me, I would like to show my appreciation with a very thankful heart and say “BAIE DANKIE” may God bless you every minute, second, hour, days of your life. I love you.
Dear Donors
I am a single mother of A and C Volmink, I thank you for your doing. The Back 2 School programme really helping alot and its providing alot for my children. It is encouraging them to work hard and and achieve better results at school. I give great appreciation to Aunt Denele for her doings with the Back 2 school. God bless the dear donors and it’s team.
Regards mother Volmink
Dear Shiloh
Greetings to you all.
I would like to thank you very much for the helping hand that you are giving to us. Thank you so much for the uniform and stationery that I received. You are making my dream of education come true.
Keep up the good work and helping the children in need.
Thank You
Kim – Simonsberg Primary
Thank you for being so generous thoughtful and so faithful to the living God. I just want to thank most of all for just being you, the chosen one to mold my future. One day something good will come out of me because of you. It seems so trivial to say my cup overflows because of you, so thank you for the help.
Thank you is such an easy word to say yet often spoken in so much delay. Thank isn’t even enough for your goodness to repay but let me say.
A proud mother wrote:
I am Odwa the parent to Itali who started her foundation of education in Shiloh Khanya Kids ECD in Wallacedene Phase 6.
The schools was very far for her because we are staying at the side of Bloekombos, but because my cousin recommended the school I thought I should go for it and had to pay transport with her school fees of course but that didn’t matter because I wanted the best foundation for my daughter.
She went to the school at a young age. On the first few weeks of her attending at the school you could hear her singing worship songs, eager to pray for the food, being able to pack her shoes and toys every time when she finished playing or when we go to sleep. At the end of the first year I could see a big difference in my child’s life, bare in mind that she was only 3 years old.
Itdi spent 3 years in Shiloh Khanya Kids and in these 3 years she came out being able to read, write and even look after her own self.
I took her to Scottsville Primary School and she was doing great both in mathematics and languages, she would always get code 7 on her reports. I am very grateful for the impact that the Jubilee Excellence Curriculum has brought into my child’s life.
She is now doing very good in higher grades, she is becoming on of the top students in the list of top achievers.
Thank you very much for the great foundation of education that was given to my daughter by Shiloh Khanya Kids ECD Centre.
JES trainee testimony
Being part of such a wonderful bunch of students has been wonderful, no doubt about that. It was a nice experience being part of the student team in Klipheuwel.
It is unbelievable how much knowledge we gained in the 10 weeks training Klipheuwel. We did a lot of different courses in the short period of two months, unbelievable I know! And all of them impacted my life in various ways. All the courses we did are interlinked with the actual course we were attending in Klipheuwel, the JES-training (Jubilee Excellence Schools). We did a first aid course, Resilient kids and the Hope Operation as well as the JES course.
I was astonished to see what the kids were capable of. How they handy they are and work with the apparatus. I was in total awe when the facilitators introduced the Curriculum to us. It is lots of information that we as teachers have to get through to the little ones, empowering them with all that knowledge. It prepares them for life.
I really enjoyed all the courses but the one that stood out for me was the “Resilient Kid’s”, it is something that we really need to equip our kids with. The First Aid course was a lot of fun.
Honestly this was an experience of a life time. All the knowledge I have gained and what I experienced. I will apply every single thing, actually I already started. I literally hung on every single word that the facilitators uttered. The morning devotions were an experience as we started our day in the right way. Epic! We prayed and sang. Can those fellow students sing… After all the excitement would pass we would watch some clips from the Alpha Youth series videos. It was so inspiring. I loved every minute of it.
Thank you to the trainers we salute you on a job well done.-Ellie
To whom it may concern,
Thank you very much for the opportunity you presented me in allowing me to complete my community service with you. It was an enriching experience and my eyes were really opened to the poor and needy out there who get blindsided by so many, it was an emotionally touching experience and I feel as though you are doing really wonderful work by helping to uplift their lives and improve their living standards. The love and passion that you put into your work is truly admirable.
I really look forward to doing next year’s project with your organization if you provide me with another opportunity and privilege of being able to work with you again.
Once again, many thanks and continue with the life changing work that you do on a daily basis, it truly is inspirational.
Kind regards, Etha
Dear Back to school and sponsors
I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hoping that you are well and blessed. I. am writing this letter to share my gratitude with you for helping me out with my school uniforms as well as my stationery. Thank you very much, I really appreciate your kindness towards all the back to school learners and myself.
Thank you so much. May God increase you more and more.
Yours sincerely – Ance
Liewe: Shiloh
Baie Dankie Shiloh vir die klere wat ek gekry het. Dit is baie mooi. Ek is baie lief vir julle. Julle is die beste vir my. My naam is Br… Ek is 11 jaar oud. Ek bly in Bloekombos. My hart is baie bly wanneer ek die busie van Shiloh sien is my hart bly. Ek is baie lief vir julle.
Van Briani I love you
Liewe Shiloh
Ek is A-J Ek is 6 jaar oud. Ek is baie dankie baar dat julle vir my skoolklere gekoop het. Ek is baie bly.
Liewe Shiloh
Goeie middag Shiloh. Ek as Ivi wil net baie dankie sê oor die die skoolklere skoene en alles wat jukke vir my gedoen het. Ek is 13-jaar-oud. Toe julle vir die eerste keer vir my skoolklere en skool goede, was ek so baie bly en opgewonde. Daardie dag toe julle vir my die kleur en goede gekoop was ek bly en ek het vir die Here gebid en dankie gesê vir die mense van Shiloh met die goeie hart. Ek het dit vir die here gesê, ek hoop dit word ook by ander mense ook gedoen word.
Liefde van Ivi… I love you Shiloh with all my hart.