The Way Pre-School Greyton Western Cape


Project manager: Stephan Bothma
 SA Cell no: +27 (0)83 379 9966​

Physical address:
9 Pointer Street
Greyton 7233

Concern about increasing social challenges in communities in and around Greyton, and the growing inequality in our country motivated a few Christian friends in this Valley of Grace to read and consult widely how best to counter these trends. After a few long years of deliberations, meetings, emails, and visits to and by experts, The Way JES preschool opened its doors here in January 2023 with one teacher and 15 children. A second JES trained teacher soon followed, and there are 26 children at present. We are fully committed to Shiloh’s mission statement; “We strive to transform communities through schools of excellence. Educating early childhood learners by teaching them respect and appreciation for themselves, their surroundings and their neighbors. We instill dignity, discipline, order, excellence and an eagerness & curiosity to learn. We prepare learners for life.”

My Way Pre-School currently employs 2 Teachers. We have a total of 26 learners enrolled at our school for 2024.