Shiloh "Back 2 School" Project

 “Back 2 School” Project Description

Please note that we do not assist the public. We only assist the few schools Shiloh is involved with.

Background – Unemployment and social circumstances are major problems in the informal settlements. The mortality rate is high due to poor healthcare, poverty etc, resulting in an increase in abandoned and at-risk children. A surviving parent, a grandmother or another family member may take care of a child. If not, the child becomes homeless, sleeping in the open and living hand to mouth.

Motivation – As the youth of today is vital to our economy it is of most importance to invest and uplift them to become productive.

The Shiloh “Back2School” Project” – The Shiloh School Project aims to help poor children by supplying the basics needed to attend school properly. We believe all children have the right to an education. We arrange assistance with school homework as volunteers become available to assist us. Leadership, development and building self-esteem form a big part of our development strategy. Encouraging children to become what God intended for them to be and giving them hope are at the heart of the project. We work in conjunction with the schools and their welfare workers.

What we do – We supply school clothes for summer and winter, stationery, homework assistance, lots of motivational encouragement and upliftment programs to benefit the children.

Shiloh insures responsibility for your hard earned money. Be assured that no cash is given to any child or parents.

Contact Delene at to sponsor a child or make a contribution.

Donate: stationery / school shoes  / blankets / casual clothes (used & new) / non perishable food

Sponsor a child –  any amount is welcome. Reference Surname & BTS ( please contact us for a tax receipt )

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