Project Manager: Esme Raubenheimer
SA cell: +27 (076) 425 8445
Physical Address:
Farm Hoopdal 96 KQ
Thabazimbi 0380
Matlabas Village is a small, Tswana community situated on the border of the Marataba section of the Marakele National Park in the Waterberg, Limpopo. Most of the residents work for Marataba Conservation and the Lodges within Marataba. Being 50km from the closest town and with no other ECD’s or day-care centre in the nearby facility, our children used to spend their days unsupervised while their parents were at work.
Our teachers came back from the Shiloh training at Klipheuwel in Cape Town, on April 2024. Except for everything they were taught about teaching, they came back better equipped for life.
Our children are now safe during the day; been educated by equipped teachers with a remarkable Montessori, Bible based curriculum. After less than 2 months, we are astonished to see how quickly the kids adapted to the independent way of learning. We are excited to see the long-term effect of this program in our community.
We currently have 2 teachers and 13 kids registered in the ECD.